Sterile Injections

Sterile Injections

IV Infusions

  • IV or intravenous infusions are gaining popularity. The benefit of having the combinations of nutrients and vitamins


  • Implantation Sterile Pellets

In New Era we offer the HGT (Hormonal Replacement Therapy) to treat hormonal imbalance and deficiencies in men and women through the sterile hormonal pellets. Our compound preparations include estradiol, testosterone and other bioidentical hormonal components. The small pellets, which have the size of a rice, are implanted by a physician beneath the skin into subcutaneous tissue of the abdominal or gluteal area. Patients can benefit from our compound sterile pellets. Through this method the hormonal therapy needed is deliver slowly and steadily into the body.

The sterile pellets start to dissolve in approximately four months, but they can last until six months.

In New Era we guaranteed the physicians and patients who use pour sterile pellets that they have the best quality, they are free of PVP, and all the ingredients used are FDA approved. The sterile pellets have the highest potency and is resistance to breakage.

  • Injection of a medicine